PowerVM - WPAR /Creation/Remove/Restore/Clone

Creating a Sample Application WPAR:

mohi_aix7[/] > wparexec -n myapp '/usr/bin/ps -ef > /tmp/p.p'

mohi_aix7[/] > lspwar
Name State Type Hostname Directory RootVG WPAR
hema_wpar A S hema_wpar /wpars/hema_wpar no
mohi_wpar A S mohi_wpar /wpars/mohi_wpar no
myapp        T A myapp /

mohi_aix7[/] > cat /tmp/p.p
root 1 0 10 05:27:44 pts/0 0:00 /usr/lib/corrals/vinit myapp /usr/bin/ps -ef > /tmp/p.p
root 9568376 1 9 05:27:44 pts/0 0:00 /usr/bin/ps -ef

Creating a Sample System WPAR:

mohi_aix7[/] > mkwpar -h mano_wpar -i -r -N address='' -n mano_wpar -o /tmp/mano_wpar.out

mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar
Name State Type Hostname Directory RootVG WPAR
hema_wpar A S hema_wpar /wpars/hema_wpar no
mano_wpar D S mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar no
mohi_wpar A S mohi_wpar /wpars/mohi_wpar no

mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar -M mano_wpar
Name MountPoint Device Vfs Nodename Options
mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar /dev/fslv08 jfs2
mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar/home /dev/fslv09 jfs2
mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar/opt /opt namefs ro
mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar/proc /proc namefs rw
mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar/tmp /dev/fslv10 jfs2
mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar/usr /usr namefs ro
mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar/var /dev/fslv11 jfs2

mohi_aix7[/] > startwpar mano_wpar
Starting workload partition mano_wpar.
Mounting all workload partition file systems.
Loading workload partition.
Exporting workload partition devices.
Exporting workload partition kernel extensions.
Starting workload partition subsystem cor_mano_wpar.
0513-059 The cor_mano_wpar Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 5046352.
Verifying workload partition startup.

mohi_aix7[/] > clogin mano_wpar
* Welcome to AIX Version 7.1!                                                                                                 *
* Please see the README file in /usr/lpp/bos for information pertinent to                                    *
* this release of the AIX Operating System.                                                                                *
# hostname
# ifconfig -a
en0: flags=1e080863,480
inet netmask 0xffffc000 broadcast
tcp_sendspace 262144 tcp_recvspace 262144 rfc1323 1
lo0: flags=e08084b,c0
inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
inet6 ::1%1/0
tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 131072 rfc1323 1

Backup/Remove/Restore/Clone of the WPAR:

mohi_aix7[/] > savewpar -f /backup/manowpar.bk mano_wpar

Creating list of files to back up.

Backing up 2863 files

2863 of 2863 files (100%)
0512-038 savewpar: Backup Completed Successfully.

mohi_aix7[/] > ls -al /backup/manowpar.bk
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 29286400 Dec 24 05:43 /backup/manowpar.bk
mohi_aix7[/] > du -sm /backup/manowpar.bk
27.93 /backup/manowpar.bk

Note: See the size of the total WPAR it is just a 27MB due to the /usr and /opt are derived from Global AIX.

mohi_aix7[/] > clogin mano_wpar
* Welcome to AIX Version 7.1!                                                                                                           *
* Please see the README file in /usr/lpp/bos for information pertinent to                                               *
* this release of the AIX Operating System.                                                                                           *
Last login: Fri Dec 24 05:38:24 CST 2010 on /dev/Global from mohi_aix7

# shutdown -F

Fri Dec 24 05:45:44 CST 2010
0513-044 The sshd Subsystem was requested to stop.

Wait for '....Halt completed....' before stopping.
Error reporting has stopped.
Advanced Accounting has stopped...
Process accounting has stopped.
nfs_clean: Stopping NFS/NIS Daemons
0513-004 The Subsystem or Group, nfsd, is currently inoperative.
0513-044 The biod Subsystem was requested to stop.
0513-004 The Subsystem or Group, rpc.lockd, is currently inoperative.
0513-044 The rpc.statd Subsystem was requested to stop.
0513-004 The Subsystem or Group, gssd, is currently inoperative.
0513-004 The Subsystem or Group, nfsrgyd, is currently inoperative.
0513-004 The Subsystem or Group, rpc.mountd, is currently inoperative.
0513-004 The Subsystem or Group, ypbind, is currently inoperative.
0513-044 The qdaemon Subsystem was requested to stop.
0513-044 The writesrv Subsystem was requested to stop.
0513-044 The clcomd Subsystem was requested to stop.
0513-044 The ctrmc Subsystem was requested to stop.
0513-044 The IBM.ERRM Subsystem was requested to stop.
0513-044 The IBM.AuditRM Subsystem was requested to stop.
All processes currently running will now be killed...
Unmounting the file systems...

....Halt completed....

mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar
Name State Type Hostname Directory RootVG WPAR
hema_wpar A S hema_wpar /wpars/hema_wpar no
mano_wpar D S mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar no
mohi_wpar A S mohi_wpar /wpars/mohi_wpar no

mohi_aix7[/] > rmwpar mano_wpar
rmwpar: Removing file system /wpars/mano_wpar/var.
rmlv: Logical volume fslv11 is removed.
rmwpar: Removing file system /wpars/mano_wpar/usr.
rmwpar: Removing file system /wpars/mano_wpar/tmp.
rmlv: Logical volume fslv10 is removed.
rmwpar: Removing file system /wpars/mano_wpar/proc.
rmwpar: Removing file system /wpars/mano_wpar/opt.
rmwpar: Removing file system /wpars/mano_wpar/home.
rmlv: Logical volume fslv09 is removed.
rmwpar: Removing file system /wpars/mano_wpar.
rmlv: Logical volume fslv08 is removed.

mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar
Name State Type Hostname Directory RootVG WPAR
hema_wpar A S hema_wpar /wpars/hema_wpar no
mohi_wpar A S mohi_wpar /wpars/mohi_wpar no


mohi_aix7[/] > restwpar -f /backup/manowpar.bk
New volume on /backup/manowpar.bk:
Cluster size is 51200 bytes (100 blocks).
The volume number is 1.
The backup date is: Fri Dec 24 05:43:19 CST 2010
Files are backed up by name.
The user is root.
x 2919 ./.savewpar_dir/wpar.spec
x 4666 ./.savewpar_dir/image.data
x 182289 ./.savewpar_dir/backup.data
The total size is 189874 bytes.
The number of restored files is 3.
The file system has read permission only.
rm: 0653-609 Cannot remove /usr/idebug.
The file system has read permission only.
Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 0 secs).


Installation Summary
Name Level Part Event Result
syncroot: Error synchronizing installp software.
syncroot: Returns Status = FAILURE
Workload partition mano_wpar created successfully.
mkwpar: 0960-390 To start the workload partition, execute the following as root: startwpar [-v] mano_wpar
mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar
Name State Type Hostname Directory RootVG WPAR
hema_wpar A S hema_wpar /wpars/hema_wpar no
mano_wpar D S mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar no
mohi_wpar A S mohi_wpar /wpars/mohi_wpar no

mohi_aix7[/] > startwpar mano_wpar
Starting workload partition mano_wpar.
Mounting all workload partition file systems.
Loading workload partition.
Exporting workload partition devices.
Exporting workload partition kernel extensions.
Starting workload partition subsystem cor_mano_wpar.
0513-059 The cor_mano_wpar Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 11075780.
Verifying workload partition startup.

mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar
Name State Type Hostname Directory RootVG WPAR
hema_wpar A S hema_wpar /wpars/hema_wpar no
mano_wpar A S mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar no
mohi_wpar A S mohi_wpar /wpars/mohi_wpar no

Note: We have sucessfully restored the WPAR


mohi_aix7[/] > restwpar -h cloned_wpar -n cloned_wpar -d /wpars/cloned_wpar -r -U -M "-N address=" -f /backup/manowpar.bk
New volume on /backup/manowpar.bk:
Cluster size is 51200 bytes (100 blocks).
The volume number is 1.
The backup date is: Fri Dec 24 05:43:19 CST 2010
Files are backed up by name.
The user is root.
x 2919 ./.savewpar_dir/wpar.spec
x 4666 ./.savewpar_dir/image.data
x 182289 ./.savewpar_dir/backup.data
The total size is 189874 bytes.
The number of restored files is 3.
mkwpar: Creating file systems...
The file system has read permission only.
rm: 0653-609 Cannot remove /usr/idebug/readme/README.debug.
The file system has read permission only.
rm: 0653-609 Cannot remove /usr/idebug/readme.
The file system has read permission only.
rm: 0653-609 Cannot remove /usr/idebug.
The file system has read permission only.
Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 0 secs).


Installation Summary
Name Level Part Event Result
syncroot: Error synchronizing installp software.
syncroot: Returns Status = FAILURE
Copying network name resolution configuration...
Workload partition cloned_wpar created successfully.
mkwpar: 0960-390 To start the workload partition, execute the following as root: startwpar [-v] cloned_wpar
mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar
Name State Type Hostname Directory RootVG WPAR
cloned_wpar D S cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar no
hema_wpar A S hema_wpar /wpars/hema_wpar no
mano_wpar A S mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar no
mohi_wpar A S mohi_wpar /wpars/mohi_wpar no

mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar -M cloned_wpar
Name MountPoint Device Vfs Nodename Options
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar /dev/wlv7 jfs2
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/home /dev/wlv8 jfs2
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/opt /opt namefs ro
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/proc /proc namefs rw
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/tmp /dev/wlv9 jfs2
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/usr /usr namefs ro
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/var /dev/wlv10 jfs2

mohi_aix7[/] > startwpar cloned_wpar
Starting workload partition cloned_wpar.
Mounting all workload partition file systems.
Loading workload partition.
Exporting workload partition devices.
Exporting workload partition kernel extensions.
Starting workload partition subsystem cor_cloned_wpar.
0513-059 The cor_cloned_wpar Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 11272208.
Verifying workload partition startup.

mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar

Name State Type Hostname Directory RootVG WPAR
cloned_wpar A S cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar no
hema_wpar A S hema_wpar /wpars/hema_wpar no
mano_wpar A S mano_wpar /wpars/mano_wpar no
mohi_wpar A S mohi_wpar /wpars/mohi_wpar no

mohi_aix7[/] > lswpar -M cloned_wpar
Name MountPoint Device Vfs Nodename Options
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar /dev/wlv7 jfs2
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/home /dev/wlv8 jfs2
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/opt /opt namefs ro
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/proc /proc namefs rw
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/tmp /dev/wlv9 jfs2
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/usr /usr namefs ro
cloned_wpar /wpars/cloned_wpar/var /dev/wlv10 jfs2

mohi_aix7[/] > clogin cloned_wpar
* Welcome to AIX Version 7.1!                                                                                       *
* Please see the README file in /usr/lpp/bos for information pertinent to                          *
* this release of the AIX Operating System.                                                                      *
Last login: Fri Dec 24 05:38:24 CST 2010 on /dev/Global from mohi_aix7

# hostname
# ifconfig -a
en0: flags=1e080863,480
inet netmask 0xffffc000 broadcast
tcp_sendspace 262144 tcp_recvspace 262144 rfc1323 1
lo0: flags=e08084b,c0
inet netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
inet6 ::1%1/0
tcp_sendspace 131072 tcp_recvspace 131072 rfc1323 1

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