HMC Commands

lists dynamic IP addresses served by HMC

lshmc –n

lists managed system attributes
lssyscfg –r sys –F name,ipaddr

lists attributes of managed systems:
lssysconn –r sys

lists all known managed systems with attributes:
lssysconn –r all

removes a managed system from the HMC:
rmsysconn –o remove –ip

opens a command line vterm from an ssh session:
mkvterm –m {msys} –p {lpar}

closes an open vterm for a partition:
rmvterm –m {msys} –p {lpar}

Activate a partition:

chsysstate –m managedsysname –r lpar –o on –n partitionname –f profilename –b normal
chsysstate –m managedsysname –r lpar –o on –n partitionname –f profilename –b sms

Shutdown a partition:

chsysstate –m managedsysname –r lpar –o {shutdown/ossshutdown} –n partitionname [-immed][-restart]

Change the state of a partition:

chsysstate -m SYSTEM-9131-52A-SN10XXXXX -r lpar -o on -n name -f default_profile
chsysstate -m SYSTEM-9131-52A-SN10XXXXX -r lpar -o shutdown -n name --immed

To List last 2 days console log details:
lssvcevents -t console -d 2

Shows vital product data, such as the serial number:
lshmc -v

Shows the release of the HMC:
lshmc -V

Shows network information of the HMC:
lshmc -n

Reboot the HMC:
hmcshutdown -r -t now

Show the connected managed systems:
lssysconn -r all

Change the password of user mohi:
chhmcusr -u mohi -t passwd -v abc1234

List the users of the HMC:

Look at the filesystems of the HMC. Try using "proc", "mem" and "swap as well:
monhmc -r disk

Open a virtual console from the HMC Exit by typing "~." (tilde dot) or "~~." (tilde tilde dot):

Forces the closure of a virtual terminal session:
rmvterm -m SYSTEM-9117-570-SN10XXXXX -p name

List partition profiles for a managed system:
lssyscfg -r prof -m SYSTEM-9117-570-SN10XXXXX

Used for listing partition information:

Some log files:

ls -al /var/hsc/log/hmclogger.log
ls -al /var/hsc/log/cimserver.log

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