User Admin

To list all system identifications for current user

id -gn
To list the default group for current user

id -Gn
To list all system groups for current user

lsuser root
To list the attribute of user root

lsuser ALL
To list the attributes of all users

lsuser -a ALL
To list all usernames

lsuser -a HOME ALL
To list the home directory of all users

lsuser -a auth1 auth2 ALL
To list the authentication method for all users

lsuser -a expires ALL
To list expiry date

lsuser -a account_locked ALL
To check account lock status of all users

chuser -a login=true mohan
To enable the user mohan

chuser -a rlogin=true username
Enable user to login remotely to server

mkuser urname
Creates user with default values in /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default

To change password of current user

passwd username
To change password of a user

pwdadm username
To change password of a user by security (admin) member

mkuser su=false username
Create user without su facility

rmuser username
To remove a user

rmuser -p mohan
To remove user mohan and his all attributes

List users with tty nos and ip numbers

who /var/adm/wtmp
Lists history of login logout system startup and shutdown

last root
All previous login and logoff time of root user

who -r
To list the current run level ( cat /etc/.init.state )

show current user

who am i
To list the exact user (who -m) ( ie. difference between su and su - After su shows previous username bcoz environment not set for current user and su - shows current username bcoz environment has been set)

mkgroup finance
To create the group finance

chgroup users=user1,user2,user3 finance
To add users user1,user2 and user3 to finance group

rmgroup finance
To delete the group finance

To change the authentication methods

chuser unsuccessful_login_count=0 username
To change the unsuccessful login count

pwdck -t ALL / Username
To verify user passwords ( Report error and ask to fix it)

usrck -t ALL / Username
To verify user definition.

grpck -t ALL / groupname
To verify a group

lsuser -f root
List all settings for root user in grepable format

lsuser -a id ALL

List just the user names

lsuser -a fsize mohan

Find the fsize value for user mohan

chuser fsize=-1 mohan

Change the fsize value for user mohan

chuser -rlogin=false root

To Disable remote root login

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